YSU Centre for European Studies (CES) is an independent educational and research institution, founded in July 2006 as a result of fruitful cooperation between Yerevan State University and EU Delegation to Armenia.

Who we are?

Being a unique educational and research institute specialising in EU studies, the Centre aims to promote EU-Armenia cooperation and the process of Armenia’s European Integration through implementation of versatile and interdisciplinary researches, academic postgraduate programmes and non-degree trainings. The YSU Centre for European Studies provides graduate education in the field of European Studies and Human Rights, carries out specialised and multidisciplinary researches and provides consulting to NGOs, public and private organisations dealing with EU affairs. To fulfil the aforesaid functions the Centre has qualified professional staff majoring in EU studies, hosts guest lectures, researchers, fellows, experts and students from partner universities. Though young, the Centre has already completed and published number of researches, established effective cooperation with renowned European universities and research centers, plans to carry out new studies and implement regional educational projects.

Facts and figures about CES








students from COUNTRIES

Centre News

Kick-off event of the “Refugee and Migrant Children” HELP online course & Certificate award event of the “Asylum and Human Rights” HELP/UNHCR online course


On 15 July the participants of HELP/ UNHCR online course on “Asylum and Human Rights” implemented in cooperation between the Centre for European Studies of Yerevan State University, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the Council of Europe (CoE) were awarded with the certificates. On the same day…

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REDEMOS Public Stakeholders Conference


On May 13 REDEMOS Horizon Europe Project hold the Public Stakeholders Conference at Yerevan State University. The event gathered EU Ambassadors, representatives of academia, state bodies, international and civil society organisations, experts to reflect in the EU democracy support in the Eastern Neighbourhood. A special stress was on case of…

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INCLUSION THROUGH ART Children’s rights education toolkit


“Inclusion through Arts” children’s rights education toolkit has been developed by the Centre for European Studies within the frames of Performing Arts Exchange-2”  project implemented in cooperation with ShareMusic & Performing Arts – Swedish knowledge Centre for Artistic Development and Inclusion, Henrik Igityan National Centre for Aesthetics and Yerevan State…

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DEGES Capacity building training on Quality Assurance


On January 26, a special Workshop/Training on “Quality assurance and accreditation of joint Master’s programmes” was organized within the frames of #DEGES project. The aim of the training was to speak about interconnectedness of quality assurance, Learning Outcomes and Assessment. The workshop was conducted by Sandro Tabatadze, Head of Office…

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Final DEGES Conference


On January 25, the Centre for European Studies at the Yerevan State University (CES) hold the final conference of the “Developing Joint Master’s Programme in European Studies: Law, governance and Communication” – DEGES project. The final conference commenced with welcome addresses from Vladimir Martirosyan, Director of of Centre for European Studies…

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CES Staff