DESCNet Activities

DESCNet Project Includes wide range of activities which include the following:

Teaching & Training Activities:

DESCnet Related Events


  • Kick-off meeting 2015, Tartu University, Estonia
  • Network Meeting July 2016 Batumi, Georgia
  • AESC Annual Convention 2017 Istanbul
  • Network Meeting September 2017 Istanbul
  • AESC Annual Convention 2018: Divided over European Values” Normative Cleavages in the South Caucasus and the impact over EU-Russia-Turkey Value Discourse?
  • Network Meeting September 2018 Tbilisi

Association of European Studies for the Caucasus/ AESC

One of the  main aims of the project is to  create “Association of European Studies for the Caucasus”, AESC. AESC supports science and research, general political education as well as cross-border co-operation in the countries of the Caucasus (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Russian Federation, Turkey as well as other neighbouring countries). Its goal is to enhance the study of European integration processes with a multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary focus. Its mission is to become a hub for the scholarly community in the Caucasus. By co-ordinating research and building capacity  among researchers of the region, it provides expertise and enhances perspectives for EU-Caucasus relations.


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Erasmus+ Jean Monnet programme under Grant Agreement 565086-EPP-1-2015-1-EE-EPPJMO-NETWORK